• the simple coin life!

    Relax, come and enjoy the simplecoin dot life

    The world is changing. Well, the world has already changed is a better way to put it. Currency like we have known it is not such much "going away" but it is changed forever. The blockchain is here and it's definitely not going away. If you understand banking and financial concepts for your job, you need to re-educate yourself. Join the simple coin life and see how easy (and fun) this can be.

  • A common line I've heard from a good handful of up & coming VCs:

    "It's hard to focus on things other than crypto"

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    Blockchain Tools

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    New Currencies

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    Powerful People

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    Write Your Own








    What you will learn here

    Bitcoin and Ethereum

    These are the two major coins dominating the world today. I'm sure you've heard of these before. We will NOT try and understand them in any great detail whatsoever. They are way to complex. Instead we will write our own, much simpler currency that works like they do.

    Some Programming

    Yes, you do need to roll your selves up and read/write some code in the language called "golang" but don't worry, this isn't a programming school. You can stay a novice hobbyiest coder and still complete this school.

    How to think in Blockchain

    By helping to write your own crypto currency from scratch, you will understand concepts like peer to peer, no central authority, nodes, etc. at a deep level. From there you can THEN start to really understand Bitcoin, Ethereum and all the other "real" coins.